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Funded by: European Commission -Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs
Funding Programme: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
Programming Period: 2021-2027
Project Title: Multi-stakeholder strategies for the promotion of INTEGRation and
LegALITY of migrants’ employment in agriculture
Duration: 01/05/2024 – 30/11/2026 (30 months)
Total Budget: €2.043.790,95


  1. FELCOS UMBRIA: Fondo di ondo di enti locali per la cooperazione decentrata elo sviluppo umano sostenibile – Italy
  2. CIDIS ONLUS – centro informazione documentazione iniziativa per lo sviluppo impresa sociale ets – c.i.d.i.s. impresa sociale ets – Italy
  3. A.I.A.B. UMBRIA – Associazione Italiana Per L’agricoltura Biologica Dell’umbria APS – Italy
  4. ANCI UMBRIA: Associazione Dei Comuni Dell’umbria – Italy
  5. CSI Center For Social Innovation Ltd – Cyprus
  6. Nicosia Development Agency (ANEL) – Cyprus
  7. Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou (KMOP) – Greece
  8. Dimos Delta – Koinonikos Politistikos Organismosdimou Delta – Greece
  9. Instituto Marques De Valle Flor (IMVF) – Portugal
  10. Compass-Beratung, Begleitung und Training Gemeinnutzige GMBH (COMPASS GMBH) – Austria

Project description

The project will promote the development and implementation of a multi-stakeholder strategy, shared among project countries, to encourage labor inclusion of migrants in agriculture, in a framework of legality and respect for the rights of workers. At the base of the project design there is the acknowledgment of a lack of awareness among migrants about the risks of exploitation and their rights as workers and on the other side, the need to make more aware operators of the agricultural value chain on the existence of specific law at national and European level to fight forms of exploitation and on the risks for employers in adopting illegal forms of work. To this end, the project will promote capacity building activities and exchange of European practices will be addressed to local authorities in establishing multi-stakeholders’ partnership in their territorial context for the elaboration and implementation of strategies to encourage the regular employment of migrant workers, in the agricultural sector with particular attention in the organic sector.