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Funded by: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme:  Interreg Greece – Cyprus
Programming Period: 2007-2013
Project Title: “Third Age: Shaping Mental Operations Evaluation Protocol and Life Quality and Effective Programmes”
Acronym: ΣΚΕΨΗ
Duration: 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2014
Total Budget: € 649.992


1. University of Cyprus (Cyprus) – Lead Partner
2. Nicosia Development Agency (Cyprus)
3. University of Crete (Greece)
4. Athens Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Greece)
5. Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Company N.Heraclion ‘SOLIDARITY’ (Greece)​

The project’s main objectives are:

To identify the demographic, biological and environmental factors that promote healthy aging in the regions of Cyprus and Crete

To create a valid model to predict the variables that primarily help the successful Third Age in these regions.

To establish protocols and assessment tools to evaluate adults’ cognitive and psychosocial skills. These protocols and assessment tools will be widely available to mental health professionals aiming to ensure uniformity in the Greek area, on the evaluation procedures for the elderly.

​For more information: www.skepsi.anel.com.cy