Streets for Citizens

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Funded by: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Euro-MED Programme
Programming Period: 2021-2027
Project Title: Streets for Citizens –  TACTICAL URBANISM – new innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in the  cities to mitigate negative environmental impacts in urban life and make cities more liveable places
Acronym: Streets for Citizens
Duration: 1st January 2024 – 30th September 2026 (33 months)

Lead Partner: Javne službe Ptuj, d.o.o.
Total Budget: € 2 507 745, Interreg Funds: € 2 006 196


  1. The Public Service Company Javne službe Ptuj d.o.o. (JS Ptuj) – Slovenia
  2. IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policies (IPOP) – Slovenia
  3. ENVIRONMENT PARK – Science and Technology Park for environment (ENVIPARK) – Italy
  4. Municipality of Ioannina (MOI) – Greece
  5. Association for Responsible Urban Development and Communication (DUCoR) – Spain
  6. Nicosia Development Agency (ANEL) – Cyprus
  7. Federation of Municipalities Regions and Provinces of Aragón (FAMCP) – Spain
  8. Regional Energy and Environment Agency from North Alentejo (AREANATejo) – Portugal
  9. Regional Association of Italian Towns in Lazio (ANCI Lazio) – Italy

Project Description:

The project, operating within the framework of the Interreg Euro-MED programme and under the mission of promoting green living areas, addresses two primary challenges:

  1. High rate of car ownership, traffic, and road danger
  2. Scarce quantity and/or quality of spaces for greenery and community activities

To achieve a behavioural shift towards sustainable urban mobility and greener streets, the project focuses on raising awareness and influencing citizen behaviour. It acknowledges the lack of competencies and tools among local authorities in small to medium towns to address these issues effectively.

The primary objective of the Streets for Citizens project is to empower the public sector and related entities to engage citizens effectively and increase their commitment to addressing mobility and public space challenges in functional urban areas. The ultimate goal is to foster more active citizen participation in interventions aimed at enhancing urban sustainability.

The project will develop a tactical urbanism methodology, leveraging existing knowledge, to design territorial roll-up plans. These plans will outline long-term strategies and demonstration actions tailored to the specific needs of each partner country. By implementing pilots and learning from the outcomes, the partnership will develop and disseminate scalable solutions and policy recommendations.

Streets for Citizens embraces several innovative approaches, including the principles of tactical urbanism, new participatory tools, digital solutions, design thinking, and a people-centered approach. By adopting these methodologies, the project aims to catalyse meaningful change in urban planning and citizen engagement across the region.

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