You are currently viewing THAL-CHOR 2

Funding Programme: European Regional Development Fund
Programming Period:2014-2020
Project Title: Cross-border Cooperation for the Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning
Acronym: THAL-CHOR 2
Duration: 1/9/2018 – 28/2/2023
Total Budget: €2.732.295


  1. Shipping Deputy Ministry
  2. Department of Land Registry and Surveying, Ministry of Interior
  3. Cyprus University of Technology (TEPAK)
  4. Oceanographic Center of the University of Cyprus
  5. Ministry of Environment and Energy
  6. University of the Aegean – Special Research Account
  7. University of Thessaly

The project capitalizes on previous cooperation at both the partnership level as well as the content level, as five of the seven partners participated in “THAL-CHOR” project. The “THAL-CHOR 2” project incorporates the changes to the MSP institutional framework of Greece with the involvement of the competent Ministry of Environment and Energy as the new strategic partner. Thus, a new ‘cross-border institutional pole’ is being formed by three Cypriot and Greek competent national authorities for MSP, which are technically supported by the ‘cross-border scientific pole’ of four universities specialised in the collection, mapping and management of marine data.

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