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Funded by: European Regional Development Fund
Funding Programme:  INTERREG Balkan – Mediterranean
Programming Period: 2014 -2020
Project Title: Catalyzing innovation and enterpreneurship unlocking the potential of emerging production and business models
Project Acronym: Phygital
Duration: 24 months
Total Budget: € 855.172


1. Open Technologies Alliance Greek Free/ Open Source Software Society (Greece)
2. Stichting Peer to Peer Alternatives – P2P Lab (Greece)
3. Lakatamia Municipality (Cyprus)
4. Open Labs (Albania)
5. Municipality of North Tzoumerka (Greece)
7. The National Center of Folklore Activities (Albania)
8. University of Nicosia Research Foundation (Cyprus)

​PHYGITAL aims to pilot, evaluate and promote an emerging production and business model, based on the conjunction of a global digital commons of knowledge, stemming from various open source projects, with distributed manufacturing technologies, such as three-dimensional (3D) printers and Computerised Numerical Control (CNC) machines. Seeds of this model, codified as “design global, manufacture local” (DGML), have been exemplified by numerous successful commons-oriented projects on a global level, introducing innovative organisational and business patterns. The project is expected to increase local capacities for innovation, by harnessing global knowledge to address local challenges. At the same time, strong transnational cooperation linkages will be created, in support of innovative entrepreneurial ventures, including social enterprises.

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