You are currently viewing STRATENERGY

Funded by: European Regional Development Fund
Funding Programme: INTERREG – Ελλάδα -Κύπρος (Call for Strategic Projects)
Programming Period: 2014 -2020
Project Title: STRATENERGY
Duration: 1/10/2017 – 31/8/2022
Total Budget: € 3.923.556


1. Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism (Cyprus) – Lead Partner
2. Nicosia Development Agency (ANEL)  
3. Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (Greece)
4. Region of Crete (Greece)
5. Municipality of Thira (Greece)
6. Municipality of Samos (Greece)
7. Municipality of Kos (Greece)
8. Association of Greek Regions (Greece)

​“Stratenergy”is project aims to develop common approaches in integrated energy planning and to implement pilot energy-saving actions in key buildings of the wider public sector. The implementation of the project will take into account all the parameters / needs / prospects as well as the traditional forms of architecture in the cross-border area.

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