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Funded by: European Regional Development Fund
Funding Programme: INTERREG Balkan – Mediterranean
Programming Period: 2014 -2020
Project Title: Generating SME product and process innovation with a new tourism mobility model.
Project Acronym: INNOVIMENTOR
Duration: 01/2018 – 12/2019
Total Budget: € 989.949


1. University if Aegean/Research Unit – Department of Business Administration (Greece)
3. Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (Bulgaria)
4. Center for Heritage Interpretation (Bulgaria)
5. Municipality of Strovolos (Cyprus)
6. Lezha Regional Development Agency (Albania)
7. Unique Junior Enterprise (Albania)
8. A.B.A.T Balkania-Balkan association for alternative tourism (The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)​

INNOViMENTOR supports businesses in remote, peripheral and sparsely populated areas to grow in regional, national and international markets and engage in innovation processes in the tourism sector. To prevent brain drain and effectively address the skills-job mismatch tourism businesses are facing in the Balkan-Med Area, skills needs and supply-demands trends are mapped. To achieve cross-sector-cooperation, INNOViMENTOR is reforming and reshaping the supply-demand pattern addressing stakeholder fragmentation, fully in accordance with the EU2020 GRAND SOCIETAL CHALLENGES/NEW NARRATIVE FOR EUROPE.

For more information: N/A