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Funded by: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Europe
Programming Period: 2014-2020
Project Title: 2LIFES – Promoting Re-use from the Public Policies

Acronym: 2LIFES
Duration: 01/08/2019 – 31/01/2022 (30 months)
Total Budget: €1.383.826


  1. EMULSA, Municipal Company of Urban Environment Services of Gijon (Spain) – Lead Partner
  2. AVA, Aarhus Waste and Heat Department. Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark)
  3. KRWMC, Klaipeda Regional Waste Management Centre (Lithuania)
  4. Nicosia Development Agency (ANEL)
  5. KDRIÜ Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd (Hungary)
  6. Marche Region (Italy)
  7. RREUSE Re-use and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises (Belgium)

2LIFES project will serve as an instrument to boost reuse in public policies, formally shaping an activity that is usually undertaken marginally and partially, and that, properly managed, can promote environmental sustainability as well as employment and solidarity. 2LIFES focuses exclusively on reuse and more specifically on reuse promoted by public administrations, something pending as this is usually promoted by the third sector. The project brings together advanced cities and regions in the political backing of reuse in addition to others that are in the process of doing so. The problem of masses of reusable goods prematurely recycled or even landfilled is cross-cutting in the whole of Europe.

2LIFES main output are:

  • Situational Analyses of Reuse Initiatives” in partner cities and regions.
  • Psychosocial studies on barriers to reuse concerning different population groups and products” in partner cities and regions.
  • Policy learning events and interregional events accompanied by Study Visits.
  • Improvement of the 6 policy instruments addressed, so that reuse is much further and better developed in the partner territories on the part of the administrations, developing new reuse channels, infrastructures and targets.
  • Increased expertise in the planning and development of reuse initiatives acquired by the staff of partner organizations and members of the stakeholder groups.
  • Raised awareness of households, businesses and administrations about the need to change consumption patterns and replace the old paradigm of “produce, use, discard” with a new one placing prevention and reuse in the center.

For more information: 2LIFES