ScaleUPcycling project – Training Week in Madrid

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ANEL recently participated in a dynamic training week held in Madrid. Our dedicated team, consisting of one youth worker and a young individual, engaged with an inspiring cohort of 18 participants from various countries.

The core focus of this impactful training week was to foster a mindset and skill set dedicated to reusing and upcycling. Participants had the unique opportunity to exchange innovative upcycling ideas specific to their respective countries, drafting a vibrant mix of diverse ideas.

Training Goals included:

  1. Assessment of Mindset and Competences: Evaluate participants’ mindset and competences related to reusing and upcycling.
  2. Mindset Enhancement: Cultivate a reusing and upcycling mindset among participants to drive positive change.
  3. Resource Provision: Equip participants with resources for community building development.
  4. Sharing Best Practices: Provide information on reusing good practices and showcase innovative community building initiatives led by young people.
  5. Ecosystem Understanding: Develop an understanding of the ecosystem and explore the role of young people within it.
  6. Practical Skills: Engage in hands-on practice in planning Community Building Events.
  7. Marketing Competences: Exercise marketing and online marketing competences for effective event dissemination.
  8. Debate on Social Impacts: Stimulate thoughtful debates on the social impacts of reusing and upcycling initiatives.

This training week served as a platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the cultivation of skills vital for sustainable community development. The initiative is a crucial part of the ScaleUpcycling project, focusing on empowering youth and fostering a sustainable mindset.