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The following survey is conducted as an activity of the Project ScaleUPcycling which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The project is running from the 1st of May 2022 until 31st of October 2024 and it is being implemented by six partners from Cyprus, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria and Hungary.

The project’s objective is to assist the youth and youth workers in saving resources and reducing waste through reuse and upcycling. This will be achieved through the use of innovative digital tools, e-Learning materials and training modules, which will enable the youth and youth workers to gain new skills, competences, as well as practical knowledge.

In this context, the project aims to deliver a digital platform as collaboration space for youth idea owners, youth workers and all those interested in the reuse and upcycling ecosystem. The ScaleUPcycling Digital Platform will provide a shared space for regular cooperation and networking as an interactive cooperation and skills development framework. By participating in this survey you contribute to defining the reuse and upcycling thematic content of the ScaleUPcycling Digital Platform.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey by following this link.